AP-Computer Science
Exam Prep & iOI foundation
1. 學習使用Java程式語言來解決數學、科學和計算問題(Creative Problem Solving with Code)
2. 培養AP-CS高分奪標實力
2. 具備iOi 國際科技奧運參賽實力,成為升學利器
3. 傳授最新電腦科技知識,使學生在養成興趣、鞏固考試實力之餘,還能掌握高科技發展動態
4. 不定期將邀請高科技產業精英,分享創業過程,讓有興趣的學生提早開闊眼界、立定志向
開課日期:1/12/13~5/4/13 (15週,共60小時)
Goals of "AP-Computer Science Exam Prep & iOi Foundation" program are:
1. To teach creative problem solving skills using Java code
2. To teach test taking skills in order to score high in AP-CS exam
3. To empower and become iOi competitive (iOi=International Olympiad of Informatics)
4. To help obtain in-depth knowledge of the trend and the latest in hi-tech industry
5. To explore entrepreneurship in computer hi-tech industry.